Other Episodes

Sonja Lyubomirsky on the Myths of Happiness

A leading researcher in positive psychology explains how understanding our misconceptions…

Kristin Neff on the Power of Self-Compassion

The pioneering researcher and author of Self-Compassion explains why it's OK to accept your…

Srikumar Rao on Happiness at Work

The "happiness guru" of the business world discusses his ideas for finding joy and meaning…

Jane Brody on What Makes a Good Death

The award-winning New York Times columnist offers lessons for navigating the practical and…

Jonathan Haidt on Politics and Emotion

As the political season heats up, Professor Haidt explains how our emotions influence our…

Rick Hanson on the Neuroscience of Happiness

The best-selling author and psychologist discusses how we can literally re-wire our brains…

Stephen Batchelor on Buddhism and Science

The best-selling Buddhist author discusses the interplay between Buddhism and science, and…

Dacher Keltner on the Science of a Meaningful Life

The Greater Good Science Center's faculty director discusses "the science of a meaningful…


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